Thursday, February 24, 2011

Recycle Furniture Haverhill

size: Rape, permissions, and prohibitions reactions

E n these days of expectation of the instruction on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum , it is more blatant the wickedness liturgical states and even boldly pampered and promoted by those who are considered optimiores in our Catholic Church (it goes without saying that Catholics are considered worst aware motupropristas - summorumpontificumsistas ( a server, the writer among them)). But I what I said, to illustrate with an example which enables and / or like most of our hierarchy:

is a mass at the Church of the Stm ª Trinity Berne, last September 19, 2010, Sunday, celebrates the priest Gregor Tolusso (Catholic) and "concelebrates" Manfred Stuber the Protestant pastor of the Lutheran community of Berne. Here you can read details. Warn the ease

adequacy charged with celebrating the Catholic priest, how it makes and breaks the Oblate before pronouncing the words of consecration, and how rising then, with the deliberate (and probably rehearsed) hand placement and Host (the ring that he wears are a shocking detail, not a bishop, but given the other circumstances, a minor peccadillo, a vanity, a trifle).

The video looks like after the consecration of the Host to approach the Protestant pastor to consecrate the chalice, but no, not that, the video is cut. The time you access the Lutheran Pastor at altar when you play say the Padrenuetro: It says a word, a comment on ecumenical "freedom in diversity" . And then pray together the Our Father.

When it's Communion, the priest celebrant gives Communion to a Protestant pastor. And also one of the pyxes trust to administer communion to the faithful (no wonder that the Lutherans present, if any, would follow the example of their pastor and communion also, I am not aware but I infer).

After the Mass, he was interviewed at two, the Catholic priest and Protestant minister, who explained in all its disturbing confusion international ecumenical. Although the Lutheran made it clear that where Catholics saw Christ he saw only bread (referring to the Communion a few minutes ago he had received.)

Mass was broadcast live on Swiss television. Switzerland is the country's recently appointed president of Pontifical Council for Christian Unity , Cardinal Kurt Koch. That is their "environment", which (probably) will influence their understanding of Catholic ecumenism. I'm not saying - it would be foolhardy on my part - that Cardinal Koch share the ideas and encouraging perverted liturgy priests violate Swiss style Gregor Tolusso pastor, the video. Which I guess is the influence ("bad / good?) That cases like this happening in his own land, Cardinal exercise on Koch.

Yet, in spite of the above, I dare to conclude with some confidence when I am not aware that the parish liturgical rapist has been reprimanded, punished canonically and / or removed from his pastoral charge. As I conclude that either share ideas and forms, or tolerated, or do not dare to intervene. I can not tell which of these situations more serious no-respuesta/no-reacción

I do these reflections on this same week that a French priest, the pastor of Thiberville , l'abbé Francis Michel , was dismissed from his parish and his parishioners because his bishop canon opened a file, which Rome ruled in favor of the bishop and against pastor of Thiberville for committing the heinous (?) crime (?) to celebrate the traditional Mass in your parish, enjoying the favor of his parishioners but against its criteria and unfortunately famous bishop, Msgr Nourrichard, bishop of Evreux.

And so it goes. And that's what we have. While waiting for the instruction on the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum , as I said to start.

a lively, full of hopes, very optimistic, right? Ps

obvious to say that liturgical violations such as Bern and of all kinds, even worse, perpetrated throughout the Orb quotidie, passim, under the arch quiet of our impassive, indifferent, unmoved, and / or complacent prelates .

+ T.


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