Appeal to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, on the instruction / clarification the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum
The alarm seems pretty certain. More and more comments about leaks: Some important prelates of the Curia have intervened to limit the scope of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum . The expected statement on the Motu Proprio would drafted and ready for the papal signature and publication in the next Lent.
Italy has jumped in alarm, among other things, that the new document will not seem to consider the implementation of Summorum Pontificum the Ambrosian Rite, in the same direction, it follows that no recovery be allowed in Spain the old Mozarabic Rite.
The explanations for the well informed "Vatican", trying to disable the alarm, not only confirm the rumors. One of the most serious would be the exclusion of the Sacrament of Orders which certain specific exceptions could not be held under the old rite (as extraordinary).
The general impression is that he has maneuvered to bring up the dimly Motu Proprio of July 7, 2007 (7-VII-07) as a concession to traditionalist groups only, depriving him of the universal, for all Church, which is evident in the original text. Even
points to two main suspects: Our CaƱizares and Maltese Scicluna. Would be the two main controllers of this sorry affair.
Again it is evident the quality Catholic of the Vatican Curia, one of the most constant and burdensome handicaps of the papacy of Benedict XVI.
That CaƱizares is little supporter of the old rite, seems to prove just enough to say that, being who he is and occupying the position held, has not yet held in Spain, not a single traditional Mass. And those that took place in Rome, seems to have been for some custom binding Express, but not for pleasure, sympathy or proclivity to the venerable old Rite. Regrettable, embarrassing, but true and verifiable.
What will be the case and how to solve? Must await the publication of the before and now feared desired instruction must .
And, meanwhile, pray and entrust this holy purpose.
maiorem Dei Gloriam Ad!
+ T.
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