Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Moms Bra And Panties

Cañizares demonstrating its Anti-liturgies

E Cardinal Antonio Cañizares l has enjoyed - my opinion - an exaggerated reputation that has been granted, recognized and maintained an excellence that is not consistent with the reality of their size. If it is true that he once decried as "il piccolo Ratzinger" , it is because it is: Piccolo, small, small, full-sized pawn. And more done about illusions or ghosts is mistaken. That is its size, it shows. He does not hide larger size because it does not.

conclusive proof, this interview:

Antonio Cañizares, "Only the liturgical life can truly become God"

That title, the response of Cardinal Cañizares is vagueness of those who say and then thinned to make a headline. But it is empty, is an empty claim not corroborated by the facts. The facts of Cañizares, the then Prefect of the Congregation for Worship and Sacraments. And the whole interview is as follows: General, capital statements, rhetorical questions, loose ends and shawls in the wind. No more.

understand that the reputation of high church man comes, more than anything else, for his research shrewd prelate Valencian school, already known to be an essential requirement, essential to 'ecclesiastical career ' : Being Valencia. There was even a joke about it:

What needs to be a bishop? Be more than 45 years, a degree in theology or canon law, and be Valencia. The first two conditions can be dispensed, the third not . For

Cañizares is that typical Valencian curriculum, so prolific that more than half Hispanic episcopologio is a rich showcase of the Kingdom of Valencia. Sometimes for good and others bad. Cañizares, I think, or to the one nor the other.

After its rapid cursus honorum episcopal (in ten years increased from neo-bishop of Avila in Toledo Primate the Archbishop of Granada through), do not tell even a full achievement, not a memorable milestone, not one: In Avila empendoló the issue of Catholic University and the left in its infancy, just kidding; to Granada - they said - was with the express purpose of putting in the right lane Cartuja, Granada and went as he was leaving Charterhouse. And Toledo has gone unnoticed. That's right: In all of these sites has been a man of spirit, of dialogue, mediation, weights and very good reviews from locals and foreigners.

When we set against Rouco, makes me laugh: It's like comparing a panzer with seat 600. Or style. For

what you think in the interview, you will understand what little confidence we place in your management dicasterial who look forward to a more orthodox liturgicus ordo, EEOC, as most Catholic tradition. With disappointment, we found that Cañizares is, ultimately, one more than those of his generation councilist that, despite the weight of events, yet the spectral circumlocution as "spirit" of the Council , so evanescent and hallucinogenic wrapping up in smoke pathetically barren landscape: The picture of the depraved and degenerate post-conciliar liturgy.

Some phrases from the interview are chilling, like this:

Nobody can doubt that Vatican II has been the sacred liturgy, the Word of God in the center of the life and mission of the Church is very significant, in the language of events by which God speaks, the fact that the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium was the first text as adopted, is undeniable, moreover, since there has been a great liturgical renewal

is precisely what is questioned - that and other issues - after demodelores forty-five years of post-Vatican II. Unless by "renewal" is understood collapse or synonyms. Taking charge

that he ranted is, nothing more and nothing less than the Cardinal Prefect of the SGD ª. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, is suffering a grim hint of desolation.

When he speaks of:

- "... return to the liturgy, notably the Eucharist, the rightful place in the life of the Church, priests and faithful ..."

refers implíctamente, the great post-conciliar madness, but does not say, or put your finger on the problem, diagnose the ailment. Only wordiness. He continued with the same:

-"... must, in my view, to recognize that today's liturgy is not being the "soul" the source and goal of life of many Christians, faithful and priests: how routine and mediocrity, triviality and superficiality much got us!; many Masses celebrated in any way or participated in any arrangement!, hence our great weakness. It is very necessary to the conscience of the faithful that the liturgy is primarily God's work, and that nothing can precede it. Only God, the "revolution of God, God in the center of everything, you can renew and change the world."

So it is not credible when he said, a little higher, this one:

- "... the keys to why you I asked for the so-called "reform the reform" are none other than those already given by the Second Vatican Council in Sacrosanctum Concilium and the subsequent teaching of the popes, which indicate and interpret authentically his teachings as a "hermeneutic of continuity ".

seems the usual resource that has learned a few formulas politically correct program (Catholic right, in this case) and puts them as filler here and there, peppered the conversation with a taste that does not correspond really, so there.

What do you think, then, Cañizares? I think what one thinks of his time, one of those priests of the seminars of the '60s who were enthusiastic about the council, said goodbye cheerfully of the vestments, liturgical experiments were playing and ran to be the vanguard reconcile .

And what magna layer Gricigliano and traditional Masses in Rome? I would say that is the trade gages, forced to accept things because of the charge, but nothing more.

seems to be itchy when I say that out a lot, often escaping from Rome. When some whisper that it is possible to return to Spain, I was so cool and indifferent as if I said they were going to spend the weekend in San Jose to see the Fallas.

course, here in Spain, his native country, will (have) more stuff, opportunities and resources for its versatility 'policy. " Yes that has proved a great dilettante. The other day the same, without going any further, appeared in the press a photo, hug friends with the King, to speak, surely, something that I know and you have to do with things that I do not know. But they sure are approximately the same thing that easily, I can imagine.

A further disappointment in the end.

Fortunately, in this case is small, as its owner. Ps

journalist doing the interview, a priest (word of honor), the director of the magazine published the interview, too (super-word of honor). I say the pictures of both, much mislead. A lot.

+ T.


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