Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Co Sie Dzieje Z Cialem Po Smierci

Bologna Ravasi Goya

M and think it was Bette Davis who said his colleague Joan Crawford had slept with all the stars (actors and actresses) of MGM except Lassie the dog. What was Babylon (Taviani that of) back then, before 68, would subsequently become later in the remake of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone rain of aids, like a tsunami disaster that struck the Pacific, not known less catastrophic. The things that happen.

And our Goyas are in provincial version, idem the same, with the aggravating note idem and mimic the same with sub-conscious deliberation. Although I would infra-conscious, given the level of bilge should have in-consciousness of post-modern sociata herd raised degenerate Marxist and made-in-hollywood. If there is a psychiatrist to examine this madness.

If Hollywood wins as Case B. J. Davis Crawford, landing cerdibérica breed (sic) in our old California, must have been gruesome porn with estrambote to Quevedo. No nasty name because no nominations ad nauseam, they and them all-as.

And that is what has taken with red carpet and stage at the Royal, where he sang Gayarre etc. (O tempora, or mores!). And the Royal Palace as a backdrop, I know not not specify which unconscious concupiscence, being a gang of republicajos (-as) who stars in the walkway (that's another) and exposed to the flashes (a post-modern version in ictu oculi). That would

ministers in this, says enough of this (and ministers). What else there and the others were, and says it all. As the pretext was the movies, plus it was said to see / hear.

From what I saw, I say you better not see or did not see (I hope you notice that I did not see). Anyone with a minimum of taste (good taste) film for years fleeing the "English Cinema" . Paradoxically the most expensive and elaborate and publicized "English Cinema" .

accounts do not publish because the scandal would be hyper-magnitude. Although - I fear - the public is so tame that gives them more creepy a bull with a cigarette burning flags or a mega-cultural-political embezzlement. So are the sensitivities.

Are there any good (professionally / artistically) in this perola of celluloid and the count? I think not. Berlanga dead, those who remain are those of the orgy Goya, each in their role, from the minister hosted by the Minister guest, guest minister, the ex-dire Academy ( risum teneatis ) in victim-heroic role, the Oscar-winning goyarizados to pose, and the claque and the chicken-stop carnival of elite wise.

it known that I like and love the film. But what of these puppets is not cinema. Film will be sub-, infra-film-movie shit ... or something lower, even.



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