The Maritain (and the saints juanpablo crescendo)
U ne of the most consistent and significant features of juanpablo is immoderate enthusiasm and a pan-semper-holiday irrepressible optimism. The state of perpetual jubilee of those years seemed long pontificate of JPII: Each year was the Jubilee for something, every year they are honoring someone, it was the year of anything and there were four beatification / canonization per month, every Sunday.
That pace
needs a constant supply of material (consumable, I've been writing about.) Candidates concerning the glory (and not by Bernini), the candidate list is exhausted to the martyrs of wars, founders and (mostly) founding congregations of the XIX-XX (decrepit most of these, almost without strength or troops to serve in the XXI). They are all safe-as, pian piano, and we must find new canonized because production can not stop. Sorry for this impression, as juanpablo, that can not be stopped, must continue, more and more and more.
And so, I do not mind, has left the occurrence of beatification (start the process) Maritain and his wife, Dear Sirs. I confess, I acknowledge that I have not particularly sympathetic to Maritain, significant Catholic convert very significant, in that "French style" so powerful in the cultural, as well publicized by the French world, not only knows how to promote your fashion but are experts in taking the exclusive and the podium.
said he does not profess a particular fondness Maritain. It brings an echo, a taste, to intellectual pre-Vatican 2 º PhD installed at Vatican 2 and oracles consulted during and after Vatican 2 º. Too identified with the before, during and after falling for my taste. I do not know I mean if I do not know if I understand.
of a saint, holy see (are appreciated) that previously said "odor of sanctity" that feature subtle and very popular while appreciated, to varying degrees, the finest and everyone that border the saint in question. And he died and smelled the said saint, more or less property, but with implicit and explicit recognition in the consciousness of witnesses and bystanders the impression, that a saint had died and left a trail of scent, seep holiness. So
died and left his scent Msr. Jacques and Mme. Raissa? So were known and recognized? I mean, I mean, at the time, in time for the intimate, frequent and occasional neighbors who treated them.
juanpablo The canonization been achieved, more or less, that the application to the beatification canonization has become a kind of grateful and admiring recognition available to everyone, at least as accomplished without scandals and a pair of flowers , nice anecdotes of domestic virtues, passim collected and provided by the managers of the cause of the accused. And some more.
In fact, figure, personality, extraordinary and exceptional Santo has been diluted in water and current insipidus common light product, say, if I may use the vulgar expression (under the circumstances).
Lord says: "You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world" . The question - tell me - how much salinity is tasty and quality must be taken, how much light must be pristine and look hot in order to be salt and light models and intercessors to reach us we can be ourselves brighter and more salty. Or is it worth all, with any degree of salt and light, that we consider in Rome and we ride on an altar, and we light candles? Are we all delicious roasted and salted peanuts, all in the same cone? Are we all lit candles marked the same quality, same wick, same name, same light? Do all we can, all we are worth, with a minimum of salt, with a minimum lux?
Dear brethren, the juanpablo says yes. Honestly, my kind, I think and not argue. I was not angry or disenchanted me. I do not mean the Saints to be - we will have! (Deo Volente) - Gloria in Santa, but I speak of these saints who claim the earth, which are touted to be beatified and canonized, as the very respectable and dignified marriage of Maritain.
Not long ago I wrote something similar about a similar case, when I heard that had applied the beatification Chesterton (Chesterton and if I get extremely well, and I firmly believe is, ebullient and exuberant blissfully, in Heaven, of course). But a Holy Ghost is one thing and a juanpablo beatified, as you can see another.
fit this common denominator in many, marriage Maritain, yes, et pourquoi pas?, Probably, and Chesterton and - why not! - Unamuno, and Bernanos, and Paul Claudel, and Don José M ª Pemán, and Father Coloma, and Fernán Caballero ... And I stop and do not meddle in the Golden Age because it would leave a power vacuum Parnassus of poets put Glory.
But what about that? Ps
a doubt, that I forgot: Who could have been, specifically, the witty original devotee of Maritain?? Or will a rock, a circle, a club, a cultural association or a coffee-gathering behind the initiative?? Pps
Another thing you will have seen the neo-con modosita nerd-looking deflowered PPER without talking on the youtube. Or chosen in a contest of absurdities might have found a type more characteristic. Then, if we take jokes, complain, but sometimes we make free satire to enjoy our enemies, ready to bombard us with it, wrapped in cellophane and satin ribbon. PPP
Just when I started to write this, have written an anonymous comment on the previous articulete I write about it here, so shocking.
+ T.
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