Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Cat Has Been Bitten On The Ear By Another Cat

was opened in the Northern Suburbs Departmental Headquarters, located at Forest Avenue and Dogfish de Oca, a city of Tigre, an operations office that the City of Tigre remodeled and equipped with the same technology developed for Tigre Operations Center (TOC).
Sergio Massa, mayor of Tigre, said: "The inauguration is part of the coordinated work between the municipality with the provincial police. In this case, is a joint effort and investment of the municipality to build and donate to the police operations center itself, to monitor all areas of the game, to improve performance in response time. It's a technological and logistics for the police, the idea being that the Departmental Headquarters can see the cameras and the monitoring of mobile and local police. In addition, connected to the collective panic buttons and schools, all integrated into the Operations Center that is given to the police to take joint and response to crime. And security for the town of Tigre. "
"We aim not only to prevention but the quick response. Police, municipal and justice by working together to articulate a message that improve responsiveness to the citizen, "he said Massa.
chief North Suburbs Police Department, Commissioner Major Jorge Omar Nasrallah, said: "It's a breakthrough to have the first Police Operations Center mirrors the municipal chambers. It is the first province-wide and enables us to have an observation directly and in an emergency situation allows us to know the management of mobile. These are elements that help us to improve service to citizens regarding the prevention and monitoring of suspicious persons. In addition, Alert 911 system comes Tigre and add them to alert groups, countrys and all involving. "
The Attorney General of the Judicial Department of San Isidro, Dr. Julio Alberto Novo, said: "The security issue is a matter of state, marking its presence there. Each within their role, police and municipality in prevention, and the initiation of the fact that crime is of features is the transparency that allows us to see the proceedings. Undoubtedly, more comfortable working with this type of municipalities in providing security, setting variables are faster. "
Meanwhile, Diego Santillan, Secretary of Civil Protection of Tigre, said "the office reopened technology department of the municipality, Tigre has developed over the past three years. It allows the police to have the latest tools to improve responsiveness. In this regard, view cameras connected via voice with the COT. Is central, a step that the city put everything on hand to give answers to the neighbor. When it comes to public safety we all have something to give. "
also increased Guillermo Brito Commissioner, Superintendent of the Northern Zone, said: "Tigre is an example for the security of the province. Is to highlight the investment it made Sergio Massa, at the request of the Departmental Head. We hope that justice can work for the benefit of the community, preventing crime and clarifying when it happens. We must be able to establish the truth of what happened, not what the offender says. For this, the municipality with the cameras we will see permanently. For police, Tigre is one of the municipalities that works in the province. Hopefully everybody else can work this way. Massa spent on security since the first day as mayor. "
So far, when in fact COT was visualized by the cameras, police personnel stationed there reported the news via radio communication. Starting today, the new embedded software, the facts are reported with real-time imaging, so that the Police have more tools to act, to be key for locks on persecution.
municipal investment, which includes civil works, software and optical-fiber link using is 400,000 pesos. This software allows, as extending the Tigre Alert system 2.0, a private security watched a firefighter from your cell phone or radio may relate simultaneously to the COT and Departmental police what you see anywhere in the game. In addition, the new system will allow police to see through the external security cameras COT business, industry or private developments connected to the center.
This renewed police office operations enables all components simultaneously manage the same information, improving system response to an emergency.


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