Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cost Of Pint In Krakow

Seeing Dragons

D rom more than two months since it happened almost Christmas, I've been bombarded with propaganda from the movie the Dragon : Nulla dies sine Dragons as a slogan true concept of apostolate misunderstanding.

Now that the movie is already on screen, I can foresee (I fear) a further three months of triumphant song, apostolic also understood, of course. From what I understand is a surfeit of pre and post propaganda Dragons.

Since I saw the early trailers, I think the movie is a great impostor, the more illegitimate and unjustifiable as that of St. Josemaría is great testimony, one of the few Saints who might actually be filmed by a camera.

a couple of years ago I bought a DVD with recordings of some Escriva gatherings, gift for Reyes to a friend of Opus Dei. Before sending it, put it in the player's house to take a look. And I gave, I stayed with him and a friend sends you a tie (which he really liked.) Gatherings of St. Josemaria Escriva is a rare documentary evidence, extraordinary, with the valuable direct reality.

"We needed a fictional movie about the character? Who (To whom) they have been necessary to order that movie? Why and for what?

The movie - I think - distorts the character in a screenplay is developed as a plot unrealistic to develop a real character. In addition to suspected (mine and others, I guess) to draw a framework of "political correctness" to reposition the character more bearable with further references to some contemporary sensibility.

Mood "again? I would say yes, that much. I even dare say a new spirit. The same style we have found new people - without being of OD - we are friends with many members ( going to say 'partners' ) and know their circumstances, more or less direct.

I've even had the impression that There Be Dragons is another of the series of reviews of our recent history, style to the television 'Wonder Years' , or telenovela "Amar in turbulent times' or new series 'The Republic' , mutatis mutandis, of course, but with the same background intentional: Telling the story was, reversing the past and molds to taste more in accordance with the present.

Is it legitimate? I think not, taking into account the full fidelity (not relative) who deserves a character like the question. I also think that the founder would have made no spark of grace and know they were going to put him 'character grounds' in a movie made in Hollywood style.

To top it off, the movie seems like a carbon copy to the movies than on Civil War themes have been filmed in recent years in Spain: Photography, settings, mountings, settings, costumes. And actors. And actresses.

Again I ask why and for what. Question that some people (friends and not friends, affects and disaffected OD) have already answered, in good or bad sense. But not me: I do not understand a movie like that, about a character, with a subject.

It reminded me of those ligerita-ligth novels of Louis de Wohl, with some pre-textual style that aims to approach the central character through the circumlocution of fictional characters and invented circumstances around an axis more or less real. The novels, ultimately, unsatisfactory, vaguely educational, unpleasantly distorted, narrowly informative and low-quality literature.

What they do have the novels of Louis de Wohl is a very attractive title. As the film, entitled the Sea timely There Be Dragons' , Aragon in Castilian accent, like the original, so that no reasons to doubt.



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