On a articulete Fr Iraburu
A father l Iraburu I have great appreciation for his teaching, for their efforts in publishing and maintaining Catholic orthodoxy in a rather hostile. Iraburu has worn struggling for this necessary and irreplaceable good theology waived or culpably indifferently ignored most of our hierarchy. It was and is one of the few complaining of bad pseudo-theology and doctrine that have invaded us during these sad years post-conciliar and juanpablo. Iraburu is an exemplary priest and a teacher straight worthy of deeper appreciation and higher parcels, he knows he does not come because we are in an era sadly deserted, it will not pay the salary earned a good laboratores of the vineyard, the otherwise. But the father does not wait Iraburu earthly gain eternal merit but, in Heaven, which pays the real truth. Its foundation Free Date I consider exemplary, admirable as little initiative.
For my part, Politeness does not have commanded brave father Iraburu gargle three or four times, when I had the blog in Infocatólica (silly me that I trusted his murky supply director!). I remember a few times it appeared comment on any of my dissenting tone articuletes, and he was sent packing. I understand that my opinions like more or less, but if I do not like to read and, of course, I have no comment. And if you dare, to face the consequences: The blog is my space and I have reserved the right of admission and the control incordiantes the horn. As Fr Iraburu when interjected. As I believe that (in fact) is the one part of the cod in Infocatólica, the bit of rum to Iraburu I closed the blog. Se non é vero (I lack data) é ben trovato.
this background, my likes and my phobias circa Iraburu, because I'm going to talk about him, that article about what he calls, rather pejoratively, 'philo-Lefebvrists' . Read it here. First
say that sympathy for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX and its attachments is, in these confused times, living proof of catholic taste, that taste unfortunately lost during the post-conciliar immediate and juanpablo happened. With the SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre can disagree on some points that are (have been) more than anything some decisions in extremis and extreme forms of action. What is not be denied is that never have been and are stronger maintainers and representatives of Catholicism that was diluted and removed in the post-Vatican II. Maybe things will be discussed and clarified. Rome's doing right now, during these past months, in talks that demonstrate - among other things - which lost some good taste has returned to the Vatican Hill. Summon, invite, meet and sit down and talk is a rather implicit declaration sufficiently explicit and verifiable appreciation and consideration. I understand it.
So I do not understand the reluctance shrouded in accusations of p. Iraburu. I will say that not even expected, that meant the father Iraburu a 'mood' that does not have one, or lost (perhaps never did). At this stage of theological and doctrinal confusion liturgical disfigures the Catholic Church, the re-valuation of the SSPX and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is not a coincidence. As evidence to the contrary, the very articulete of concern (?) Iraburu seems to leave shown. Father Iraburu
perhaps could have represented and Spain Catholic resistance here, unfortunately, we did not. And it shows. And you suffer.
In Spain the move Tarancon , Catholics barricaded themselves aware about Don Marcelo and his Alcazar in Toledo. Agreed post-conciliar innovations with the decline of the regime and political confound and Catholicism. The late-Franco and undefined rights and disjointed communed with the Catholicism of Don Marcelo without realizing that Don Marcelo was a formidable figurehead, while all the liturgical reform of the post-conciliar Spain took rubric of Don Marcelo, then president of the Liturgical Commission of the EEC. A paradox, almost one of those optical illusions of our Baroque painters, who painted so realistically to deceive the viewer presented studiously figuring a reality, being, in fact, a very real unreal . Great effect, but only effect: Canvas, paint, frame and deceived the eye of the beholder thanks to good art and craft of a master painter.
In Spain (as everywhere) all things Catholic quasi dissolved and the substance in the pot, leaving after cooking the little matter with which they subsist. At this level of deficiency that - put for example - the juanpablo seems ultra-Catholic and some groups, movements, spirituality neo-foundations and does not go the of Catholicism, when only the sample of Catholicism emaciated and famished result of post-conciliar crisis. Ever
some thought (dreamed!) With a strong Catholic elite, activist, acting. For example - and the example I have not invented - a gang with Father Aldama, the father Mendizabal, the father and the father Iraburu Bank to deal in the square and put together the hubbub and cut two ears and tail, and go on the shoulders of the front door. But no, no way. Or did not want it to be.
already know: that if obedience, that if the unit, if you love ... And all these considerations prudent, disarming and void. All that the great innovators of Catholicism were very clear at the time what was and what was not (obedience, unity, charity) Or you imagine, for example, St Teresa of Jesus giving up the reform barefoot and their foundations by not break the obedience, unity or charity with which the malquerían (or not followed)? And like her, the rest of his time, including the 'groundbreaking' Ignatius Loyola and the other brave.
For certain chores is not enough room to be holy, you have to throw, pledged, organize. The hermits are holy, but little influence in the Church of the moment. The battle against the Arians fight and win the battle-hardened and tireless Athanasius, that I do not mean that distance does not fend prayers, intercessions and penances of the hermits of the Thebaid in communione sanctorum, but the battle is a post-Nicaea Athanasius war against mundum. Some do not forget, others think so. Minar
resisters is a form of alliance, acknowledged or not, with the enemy. Or play into the 'semi' . Everyone knows: the semi-Arians , the semi-Pelagians ... or semi-Catholic ; those who think that the average consensus heterodoxy and / or agreed upon is the salvation for today and the future is assured for morning. I prefer
admire the castle, I confess. I will not be within the walls - I admit it too - but they were not shooting guns or short supply them or deny them water and salt, or wear out, or put them in the disparadero. I have clear, very clear, they are not the enemy. Quite the contrary.
Iraburu back to, I'd say he looks in a mirror and not see her figure. May have been something more, much more. He and those of his generation.
why I seem a little pathetic, sad figure knight, lance in hand, with a troop of Sanchopanza to see you go against the giants and down next to the mills - although certain are the bulls! -.
But the battle against the Turks need teams that he will never set.
cordialità, of course.
ps BTW: To Quixote Quixote, the writer. Even more than the above, which, at least, has recognized purge fame and media.
+ T.
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