The impression they give is the same that give those of Lerma, a youthful enthusiasm inspired by a neo-Catholic spirituality ( postconciliar-juanpablo , that is) with more or less recognizable elements, some taken from the tradition religious monastery / convent Catholic and other more innovative and modern. Personally - and I guess more than one share with me this impression - distinguish certain colors, certain details that seem inspired even in film.
Do you remember the film of Franco Zeffirelli Fratello Sole Sorella Luna / Brother Sun Sister Moon ? Well look at these pictures and compare: A neo-mixed and idyllic convent
If you want to know more about the group, read here:
The Fellowship of Tiberias
And here a link to the website of the aforementioned community:
Fraternity Tibériade
If you take a look at the photo galleries will be an exhibition at the same charming, ingenuous, surprising and sometimes shocking .
not alone. In France and Belgium there are others like that. The former Clare de Lerma going the same way. I do not know if you have raised it to create the branch for the kids, but it would be strange, as I said once.
The style combines naturalism with a spirituality inspired by the spirit of the Beatitudes and other contemporary elements shapes with some flavor to scout groups, youth entertainment groups, prayer groups and reflection etc. I would also say that is clearly recognizable hallmark of Taizé, and the influence of the Neocatechumenal Communities and bastants elements of the Charismatic Renewal. In Belgium emerged Communauté des Beatitudes - Community of the Beatitudes has been a little matrix model of these new groups.
In fact pose a counter-offer to the traditional monastic vocation. These new forms seem to turn more easily in the mind perhaps not formed, diluted , some young people with a certain intention career, moving away from traditional monastic life, perhaps for lack of timely and adequate spiritual direction discernment.
But vocations of our century are not those of forty or fifty years ago. Without being an expert on the subject, it seems obvious flip / impact the presentation of a life dedicated 'idyllic' , with that young-naturist setting, may cause in the mind of a young impressionable 'urban' profile post-modern.
The 'charm' and the pleasant impression of these groups is part of their success, a nice card. Sometimes it is accompanied by a recognition more formal, with more substance. For example, one of the largest Catholic spiritual writers read and better received in recent years, the p. Jacques Philippe , a member of the Beatitudes . I emphasize this author because her books have been published and disseminated in different media and Catholic with remarkable success. And I stress to understand that there is more, something more solid than the first impression some substantial , or at least naive.
If you are faithful, one day leave behind the Franciscan friendly and discover and experience the fear and trembling of the Cross, with its painful wisdom. Let the pictures bright and bucolic and will be immersed in the dark or backlit Zurbarán cell with flagella and vanitas still life with skull and that all this is also consecrated life. If you will persevere through every room of the Interior Castle , some will enter more, others will stand in any room, on some level. But they can not perpetuate or grow in virtues and practicing a religious life everlasting juniorate . I am particularly concerned
altering the liturgy, the mystification of styles and influences with other more spiritual environment, surface. I miss finding realistic roots has been one of the most recognizable and measurable characteristics of the movement of intra-Catholic renewal, when there has been. A strong inspiration from the origins and milestones of the Consecrated Life yesterday to revive now.
+ T.
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