Thursday, March 17, 2011

Students In Handcuffs

The Buenos Aires government ordered the promotion of more than 25 thousand troops from the provincial police, an unprecedented measure since 2004.
Reportedly, the rise of 25,376 uniformed take effect retrospectively from 1 March this year.
The decision includes a uniformed officer between their hierarchy of officers to deputy commissioners.
The measure determined by the Minister of Justice and Security, Ricardo Casal, does not cater to the higher ranks of the: Commissioner, Commissioner and Commissioner Inspector Mayor.
These promotions will be specified next month in accordance with the observations of the Province.
willing Promotions are the first since the end of the term of the emergency law to force that ruled from 2004 to 2010. During that time, promotions were "a finger", according to what they denounced their own troops.
The Ministry of Justice and Security reported that promoted all the requirements of "seniority, qualifications and physical and psychological state" established by law. The official decision was long awaited by the soldiers, who were awaiting the measure was announced by the end of the year.
Promotions for Police involve not only a mechanism to improve salaries, is also a way of going through the ranks in the hierarchy and can retire with a higher degree.


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