Sunday, March 13, 2011

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The Temptations

E l Gospel of Temptation in the Desert is like a touch higher in the steeple of Lent. In the preface of the Mass (novus ordo) proclaims that the Lord praying and fasting -"... inaugurated the practice of our Lenten penance, and to reject the temptations of the enemy taught us to suppress the power of sin . An extract of Lenten spirituality statement that says, implicitly, much more.

For example, the rotation, the absolute change that takes place in the history of salvation. From the Eden of our first parents, the man was a story of temptation and fall, even after the Alliance and the Law The "all have sinned" Pauline (Rm 3, 23) is a cry that only begins to accuser patently move in the Desert. *** In a sense, one could say that redemption begins when the temptations of the desert.

The desert was the wilderness that greeted Adam and Eve after they were expelled from Eden. And the desert was also the region through which God's people wandered out of Egypt, in the desert were the Law and lived in it until the day of entry into the Promised Land. The desert was, likewise, the place of sin: The golden calf and worshiped and defections of the people murmuring against God. Even Moses himself was tempted and fell in the wilderness, as he was the chosen of God to deliver Israel. There was a routine correspondence between the desert, temptation and sin. Until we see Christ.

After prayer and fasting forty days and nights, Christ is against the devil, who tempts him. The first temptation is to body, the demon urges him to turn stones into bread to feed the fasting. The Lord's answer, however, makes the bread to other sustenance necessary for man: The life-giving Word of God. A word that is himself, begotten from eternity and incarnate for our salvation, that one day cease to feed supernatural men his Body and Blood under the species of the Eucharistic bread. Understand what the devil the Bread of Life? Understand what the word daemon that feeds?

understood, however, that Christ refused to Scripture, and the second temptation Satan argues with a quote, a verse from Psalm 90 -"... take you on your palms so that your foot against a stone . " Urging him to make a stupendous miracle, again under the conditional "if you are the Son of God" , a question that the devil has not yet resolved and wants to know. Later, in some scenes of public life, the Lord will show strict with those who demand signs, like the devil tempting desert. At Calvary again to tempt the insulting, yelling to challenge to perform a miracle and saved from the Cross. For all these scenes (and for us if supeditáramos faith to the test of a sign, a miracle) Christ's answer is it gives to Satan - "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God!" .

Follow the scene. If the devil has led to Christ and He has responded "Do not tempt the Lord thy God" , is not already resolved the question of the devil?, Has not responded implicitly Christ?

seems that in any case, Satan does not understand the intention nor the scope of the mission of the Lord, because, paradoxically (or crazily, as if he had lost the knack, the concert, the trial) in the third temptation offers Christ the world with its splendor if you pay to worship him, to him, the devil. The answer of the Lord seems to confirm the meaning of the above: - "Begone, Satan, for it is written: 'worship the Lord thy God and Him only you serve'." translation occurs to me that I could say, explaining part of its purpose, "go and do not interfere" , inhibit the redemption will be consummated and that not all the powers and vainglory of the world will not stop with his deceptions .

When I read and meditate on the Gospel, I stop at the end, in the phrase that says that the angels came to him and served him. And I imagine the Angels viewers the temptations of the devil to Christ, understanding, as only the Angels can, details and depths of the scene, so new: A man resisting and overcoming the Tempter, something never seen. And a man who is God, the Son of God.

meditation to close in the same desert evoke the verses of the Song of Songs:

What's that coming up from the desert,
as a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh
and incense and all

is the fragrant aroma of Christ Victor, that rises like fragrant incense of sacrifice, as the first fruits of other aromas that by his grace to rise to the sweetest smell Altísmo victorious, each time a Christian resist and overcome, by the grace of Christ, the devil, the world, the flesh. ***

Previously, with Christ as the center and why the privilege of the Immaculate Conception is a preview of the final grace of the New Testament, but is a mystery of internis , which occurs in the hallowed soul Virgin and does not manifest ad extra.

+ T.


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